Eleanor's EventsScranton, Kansas

Note the Season

Eleanor's began with A LOT of ambitions. Within the first year, we cleaned the property, executed a Sunflower Festival and Christmas event, and offered workshops as well as at-home shopping.

That time was a whirlwind. It was a special time of creating lasting memories with our neighbors and friends, the Wise family. It was also a time of throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what would stick for the business—so to speak.

The biggest obstacle we faced was the age of our families. We both have young children, and although the experiences were great for them, we also noticed how distracted we were from the things that meant most to us. And we all know kids grow up FAST!

So we took note of the season.

As much as we were excited about the endless opportunities at Eleanor's, we equally lacked internal peace with what we consistently gave up with our family. I'm not sure we would have realized it as soon as we did, but the events in 2020 allowed us to slow down and see more clearly what our hearts were telling us. We are thankful for that!

Eventually, life created a clear path that now makes complete sense! Meagan has always loved plants and started her own business called "Petite Greens." I enjoy property maintenance, so Eleanor's naturally became an AirBnB and venue rental space, alongside our farming operation and sharing our life lessons! Sure, it was hard to let some dreams go. It was upsetting to realize choosing this path meant we wouldn't be working with our friends in the way we thought. But we gained back more quality time with our families while still pursuing things that fit our schedule. This shift has brought us more enjoyment and less stress, and you can't beat that.

Life is constantly changing. Don't fall into the trap of doing the same ol' thing just because you feel like you have to or because you set out to do it years ago. Take some time to listen to yourself, and don't be afraid to make adjustments for the season you are in.

It's a healthy exercise to listen to the calling in your heart! As we all know, seasons come and go, so embrace the current one and make the best of it!
